Monday, November 3, 2008

Maisara Abdusamadova in Tajikistan

This proposal requests for a loan of $800 to be provided to Maisara Abdusamadova, a single mother who wants to expand her small business in Tajikistan. A former Soviet Republic, Tajikistan is classified as a low income country with an estimated per capita GDP of $1,600 (CIA). A six year civil war that ended in 1997 severely damaged the economic infrastructure of the country and created a sharp decline in economic growth. Uneven implementation of structural reforms, flagrant corruption, high rates of unemployment, a weak government, limited resources, and an external debt of $1.56 billion, are all factors that contribute to the country’s current economic situation. Despite experiencing steady economic growth since 1997, 60% of the population in Tajikistan continues to live below the poverty line (CIA).

Maisara Abdusamadova is a widow who lives with her two children in the rural Isfara region of Tajikistan. She has a small cooking business, selling ‘sambusas’ (national dumplings) as a means of supporting her family. However, despite an increase in popularity and demand from her customers, she does not possess the means to expand her business. She is requesting a loan of $800 to be repaid in span of six months, in order to invest in cooking equipment and furniture for her customers. This will enable her to expand her business and cater to the demands of her customers more efficiently, through which she can generate even bigger profits.

Maisara is represented by the International Micro-Loan Fund, which is a microfinance organization that helps the most vulnerable groups of the population to improve their economic well being. The organization currently possesses a “5-Star” risk rating on KIVA, which demonstrates a high likelihood of repayment. Since Maisara already runs an established business that caters to regular customers, it adds to her credibility and ensures repayment. As the sole earner in her household, it is important for Maisara to obtain maximum profits from her business so she can provide support for her children and their education the future.

Priyanka Subba
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Gregorus said...

I like this one the best.

Anonymous said...

I like the historical background to show the importance of how the micro loan will help the boost the lives of others